The trajectories of HTM
The word trajectory has a very different meaning depending on the context in which it is used, but whether in mathematics or in the physical sciences, in biology or in ecology, in the human and social sciences, the trajectory always indicates a movement, a passage of time ‘from one state to another,’ a succession of situations that progress towards a target.
During the creation of our company, we first thought about what we had to offer in relation to our experiences, our aspirations and our beliefs and then came up with a name that would give justice to our approach. This concept of trajectory seemed relevant and appropriate to illustrate the meaning we wanted to give to our support services.
With extensive knowledge of the business world, expertise and experience in human resources in many different contexts, situations and cultures, including overseas development, greenfield investments, mergers and acquisitions but also in phases of restructuring, drastic cuts and complete change after takeovers, we have observed the constant evolution and adaptation of employees to these changes.
Professional trajectories are characterized by varied transformations and opportunities for new learning-there is a constant change regardless of the trajectory.
Today our motivation is strongly linked to the operational support that we provide to companies, in the links that we develop with the main actors of these organizations, in our understanding of their environment with regard to our experiences, in the concrete proposals that we recommend- we “deliver” solutions adapted to the context and to the defined trajectory.
Our human resources adventure continues because this is our chosen profession and we have the benefit of hindsight, as well as the ability of forming our own views to fully experience this new and dynamic momentum; the context is not easy but our enthusiasm remains alive; we are always looking for pragmatic and robust solutions adapted to our clients, with whom we work with trust and simplicity, building confidence as we move forward together.
Published the 03/17/21
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